Build APIs Faster with AI

Nexys uses generative AI to streamline API creation.

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Key Features

Intelligent Data Modeling

Our AI streamlines data modeling to seamlessly integrate with any database or application.

Auto-Generated APIs

Nexys automatically builds CRUD operations, middleware, events and more to your specification.

Continuous Evolution

Our AI models continuously optimize and improve your API design based on usage analytics.

Get Early Access

Join our exclusive early access program and accelerate your API development.

How It Works

Create Data Model

Use AI to define optimal data model that translates to provisioned databases and data layers tailored to your business case.

Generate Endpoints & Docs

Nexys automatically generates endpoints, code snippets, WebAssembly and Swagger docs for easy integration.

Deploy & Evolve

Deploy your API and let our AI continuously optimize and improve it based on analytics and feedback.

How It Works Graphic

Enterprise User Management provides robust user access controls designed for enterprise security and governance.

Single Sign-On

Integrate with your SSO provider for quick and secure access.

Access Control

Manage permissions across teams and projects.


Securely isolate data across different clients.